Photo of word cube lantern pieces not yet assembled
Photo of word cube lantern taken from below, showing words projected in all directions

Word Cube
(and hallway lanterns)

Agency: Evoke Mind+Matter

Project: paper lanterns projecting words and phrases onto walls, part of an immersive experience for a client pitch emphasizing the patient journey. The main lantern was a cube projecting words and phrases in all directions in an otherwise dark room, while smaller lanterns were set up along the length of the hallway leading to that room.

The rare disease in question causes patients to lose their eyesight, so a hallway in the agency office was shaded with increasingly heavy material over the lights. As visibility gets worse, the words representing the patient’s struggles become more prominent until the viewer is surrounded by darkness and insecurities.

My role: lead on design, creation, and installation of the custom lanterns and hallway light shading

Collage of two photos showing the lamp on one wall and the words projected on the opposite wall

Production Art

Image of cube panel dielines

The direction given was fairly loose, and I was able to take the initiative and decide with my team how the lamps should be put together. Patient testimonials were provided, and I used those to create the structure.

While I did design this cube – determining the sizes of each panel and structure, which words/phrases to include, how big they should be and where they should be placed, for the sake of how I’m categorizing my work on this site I’ll call it Production Art and not Graphic Design. The whole thing is a collection of dielines, which graphic designers do not always deal with, although the line between the two roles can be fuzzy.

Design note: The panel at the bottom was initially intended to be the top of the cube, allowing space for a hanging wire to be pulled through and then blocking off the light leak. However, upon testing we realized that the words cut into that panel didn’t work as we would have liked them to, so they were later removed.


As much as this was a design and production process, ultimately the cube and all the smaller lanterns were handmade pieces and much of the design was trial and error. We learned a lot through our failed prototypes! The end result was a custom, unique art installation for just a few minutes of use to a very select audience, and I am thrilled to have been a part of it.

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